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Choose your healing among the three to take care of your physical, emotional & energetical body.

Emotional massage gives voice to the body by offering it the possibility of releasing physical and emotional blockages and allowing it to regain the fluidity of its vital energy.
Combining softness and strength, it allows me to feel and to free up the body, heart and mind.
Its benefits are multiple:
physical: it relieves muscular and articular pains
emotional: it gives you a feeling of well-being and intense relaxation thanks to a touch that invades the body.
energetic: it acts on the energy flows by stimulating the chakras, the energy gates.
This treatment accompanies you at your own pace and according to your needs. It helps you to regain balance and optimal well-being. It also allows you to stimulate your own healing capacity.
This treatment is done at your home and is based on neutral or perfumed oil. I come with all the equipment.
Duration 60 or 90 minutes.

Energy healing is a treatment that allows you to regain alignment and the sensation of coming "home".
It brings you a great feeling of relaxation, security and decompression.
My hands will offer you a space of protection & reception, inviting you to come and release the heaviness and burden of your current emotions.
Your chakras, the energetic doors of your body, will be the markers of the current instability, linked to different potential causes: fatigue, temporary or installed stress, strong emotion, wound, hold from the past...
I proceed to a reading of your chakras & guided by a deep and luminous breathing, I accompany you towards an energetic release of your chosen blockage.
This treatment can be done face to face or remotely.
Duration 45 mn

The illumination healing is a very powerful & complete treatment that engages the physical and energetic body.
It allows you to release a wound, a blockage or a trauma that may have been settled for a long time and that causes recurrent mechanisms of self-sabotage.
It takes place in several steps, and is a timeless experience that wraps you up while maintaining your presence and your commitment.
It is a decisive treatment, full of strength and gentleness, involving the world of matter and the subtle worlds, the pressure on your body and the breath of your Being.
This treatment can be practiced in person or remotely.
Duration 90 mn

I book a healing
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